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Month: August 2013


Armstrong settles sunday Times claim

Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong has settled a claim by the sunday Times to recover a libel settlement won against the paper in 2006. In 2004 the sunday Times serialised a book by its journalists David Walsh and Alan English which alleged professional doping by cycling teams including that of Armstrong.  Armstrong sued for libel and…

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Age of jurors raised to seventy-five

On 20 August 2013, Damian Green, Criminal Justice Minister, announced plans to increase the age that people can sit on juries from 70 to 75.  The change would mean that people up to the age of 75 that are summoned would be expected to serve on a jury.  However, under the Juries Act 1974, they…

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High Court refuses to strike out libel claim arising from mailshot

In the case of (1) Mama Group Ltd (2) Lovebox Festivals Ltd v (1) Daniel sinclair (2) Alexandra Joseph [2013] EWHC 2374, the applicants request for a libel claim to be stuck out as an ‘abuse of process’ was refused. The applicants had been attending the Lovebox music festival held in Victoria Park, London organised by…

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Cruddas and Times Newspapers rages on; record costs bill expected

Times Newspapers Ltd, publishers of the sunday Times, will seek to appeal a High Court ruling that the paper libelled former Conservative Party treasurer Peter Cruddas over claims that he sold access to the Prime Minister.    The case revolves around a meeting between then-Tory treasurer Cruddas and undercover journalists posing as financiers and potential…

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QC removed from judicial posts after pursuit of 'abuse of process' application found to demonstrate lack of judgement

Kuldip singh QC, a Recorder of the Crown Court and Deputy High Court Judge, has been removed from his judicial positions following an investigation by the Office for Judicial Complaints.  The investigation was brought after the QC failed in his attempts to have a driving case against him dismissed as ‘an abuse of the court’s process’. Police claimed that…

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Court of Appeal unanimously dismisses ˜right to die appeals

On 31 July 2013, the Court of Appeal dismissed the conjoined appeals in Nicklinson & Anor, R (on the application of) v A Primary Care Trust [2013] EWCA Civ 961, a case challenging the ban on assisted suicide.  The appeal was heard by the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls and Lord Justice Elias….

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