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Month: October 2013


Victims given right to address courts on sentencing

The Government has published a new Code of Practice for Victims of Crime.   The Code will come into force in December and will encourage judges to take into account victims personal statements when determining sentences.  Victims will be able to make a Victim Personal statement to explain how the crime has affected them and, subject to…

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Proposal for banker reckless misconduct charge

The government is proposing to introduce a new offence of reckless misconduct against senior managers at banks as part of several amendments put forward by the treasury to the Banking Reform Bill born out of the Parliamentary report into banking. It is proposed that the offence will carry a maximum sentence of imprisonment of seven years.

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Interesting MTIC fraud judgment

HMRC v sunico A/s and others [2013] EWHC 941 is an interesting judgment which Produman J had heard a claim by HMRC for unlawful means conspiracy arising out of an alleged MTIC fraud. The facts of the case are not remarkable but counsel for the two defendants linked to the main defendant company (sunico) adopted an interesting…

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