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Month: January 2018


Frozen bank account and no explanation? Suspicious Activity Reports and the high street bank customer post April 2017

Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) have been with us for over 15 years, but to many outside the Regulated sector they are a somewhat unfamiliar concept. The number of SARs has increased steadily.  The latest available statistics (October 2015 to March 2017) show that over 630,000 SARS have been made in an 18-month period. The National Crime…

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Vlogger Chrissy Chambers secures damages in revenge porn settlement

In a widely-reported settlement, the American vlogger Chrissy Chambers has recovered damages from her former British boyfriend – anonymised in the High Court proceedings as “DCR”. Background In 2013 Ms Chambers became aware through a friend that she featured in a pornographic video online.  Ms Chambers had no recollection of the video having been filmed…

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Further terrorism offences added to Unduly Lenient Sentencing Scheme

A further nine terrorism related offences have been added to the Unduly Lenient Sentencing (ULS) scheme in addition to the 19 like offences which were added in July 2016. Since 1988 law officers have been able to apply to the Court of Appeal for leave to review any sentence which has been passed in the…

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Claims farmer fined for blagging personalised number plate information from DVLA

Miles Savory, the director of Accident Claims Handlers Ltd, has been convicted of breaching the Data Protection Act 1998 following a prosecution brought by the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’) for unlawfully obtaining the name and address of the owner of personalised number plates that he was seeking to purchase. Mr Savory completed and sent official…

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Harassment by publication: how private and/or defamatory material can be protected

In GYH v Persons Unknown [2017] EWHC 336, the claimant, a transgender woman who works as an escort, was granted an interim injunction to prevent, amongst other things, the publication of information which purported to relate to her private life. The information in question related to the claimant’s sexual life, her physical and mental health…

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The decision to release John Worboys raises more questions than answers

In April 2009, taxi driver John Worboys was sentenced for 19 offences committed against 12 victims, all of whom were female customers in his black cab between 2003 and 2007. His victims were typically given laced drinks whilst in the back of his taxi in order to incapacitate them. The offences comprised one rape, five…

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