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Month: July 2022


What are the main features of the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 and does it apply to me?

The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 (the ‘Act’) came into force on 24 March 2022 in order to assist in resolving commercial rent arrears that accrued during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its main focus is attempting to strike a balance between preserving viable businesses and the solvency of landlords. What is the aim of the Act?…

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Alleged defamatory comments made in course of pre-action protocol covered by absolute privilege

Percy Preston of Brett Wilson LLP is interviewed about the High Court’s decision in Jabbar and another v Aviva Insurance UK Ltd and others [2022] EWHC 1383 (QB). Analysis: This judgment concerned the defendants’ application for an order striking out the claims for unlawful means conspiracy, conspiracy to injure and tortious interference with contract, on…

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Tinder stalker sentenced for contempt of court

In Dew v Mills-Nanyn [2022] EWHC 1925 (QB) Mrs Justice Collins Rice sentenced the Defendant Oliver Mills-Nanyn to six months’ imprisonment, suspended for a period of two years for 20 sample breaches of undertakings to the court.  The Judge also ordered Mr Mills-Nanyn to pay the Claimant Scarlett Dew the sum of £30,000 in damages…

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Bankruptcy and Income Payments Agreements and Orders

During the period between being declared bankrupt to the date of your discharge (usually 12 months, unless a suspension application is made against you), a trustee will try to seek to negotiate an Income Payments Agreement (‘IPA’) with you in circumstances where it appears that you have surplus income over and above the amount needed…

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Haviland v Lownie: Libel claim against publisher dismissed

The High Court has today dismissed a libel claim brought against publisher Andrew Lownie and his literary agency by former associate David Havilland.  Mr Haviland alleged that Mr Lownie had libelled him in seven emails sent to the writers’ website In an earlier decision (Haviland v The Andrew Lownie Literary Agency Ltd & Anor…

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