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Month: March 2024


High Court provides guidance on when an appeal should be remitted for a further hearing in fitness to practise cases

In the recent case of Hawkins v HCPC [2023] EWHC 3256 (Admin), the High Court considered the basis upon which a case should be remitted for a re-hearing following a successful appeal. This has provided useful guidance where there was a previous lack of such guidance. The initial hearing The Appellant, a physiotherapist, faced allegations…

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Can I get my police records deleted?

What are the powers of the police to take and retain samples? The police are able to take fingerprints, DNA and photographs of any person without their consent who is detained at a police station, having been arrested for, or charged with a ‘recordable offence’ (sections 61-63 of the Police and Criminal Evidence 1984 (PACE))….

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