Berezovsky v Abramovich – Judgment published online
An executive summary of the largest private claim in British legal history has been published online. Boris Berezovsky sued Roman Abramovich in the Commercial Court of the High Court for $6.5 billion. The widely-publicised action was based on a claim by Mr Berezovsky that Mr Abramovich had blackmailed him to sell his interest in an oil conglomerate they founded together for a vastly reduced price. Judgment was handed down on Friday 31 August in favour of Mr Abramovich.
Mrs Justice Gloster ruled that "...On my analysis of the entirety of the evidence, I found Mr Berezovsky an unimpressive, and inherently unreliable, witness, who regarded truth as a transitory, flexible concept, which could be moulded to suit his current purposes." she found Mr Abramovich "...to be a truthful, and on the whole reliable, witness".
The legal costs of the case are believed to be in the region of £150 million.
The executive summary of the judgment can be read by clicking on the below link:-
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