Report shows jurors want greater guidance
A report conducted by the University College London law faculty has identified that 82% of jurors would like more information on conducting deliberations, especially where they require clarification on a legal issue.
In preparing the report questions were asked of 239 jurors immediately after they had returned verdicts.
There was a misunderstanding amongst nearly a quarter of jurors in relation to permissible internet use during a trial. 16% of those questioned wrongly believed they could not check their emails at all whilst on jury service, 5% didn't think there was any restriction on internet use and 2% believed they were free took look up information on the case they were trying provided it did not affect their judgment.
Jurors who carry out independent research in relation to a case or defendant they are trying risk being imprisoned for contempt of court. However, there is no restriction on general internet use whilst the court is not sitting.
Three quarters of those questioned said they would have told a court official or judge if another juror admitted finding information about the defendant that had not been disclosed in court.
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